For a tribal facility working in a state with a decent reimbursement rate, an enhanced Medicaid reimbursement rate makes all the difference between being able to financially sustain that facility or requiring the tribe to subsidize it.– Ron Ross, CEO, Native American Health Management
Category: News & Updates
Oglala Sioux Lakota Nursing Home in the News
We were excited to hear that picked up on a story about the Oglala Sioux Lakota Nursing Home located in Whiteclay Nebraska.
Link to original article:
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Oglala SIoux Lakota Nursing Home Now Open
We are happy to announce that the Oglala Sioux Lakota Nursing Home is open. We are delighted to already have some residents and will be getting more staff and residents in the coming months. Take a look at some of the most current photos below:
OSLNH Completed Construction
We are happy to have the construction completed at the Oglala Sioux Lakota Nursing Home.
The facility is still looking at opening some time in July. They are hiring for the department heads at the moment, and hope to soon hire the other positions once the department heads have all been hired.